My Pics (

Saturday 1 August 2009

From CFH Oddanchatram

We have made it! Our train arrived in Dindigul this morning at 0600 (we thought it would arrive at 0500 so we were up for an hour and a half before it rolled in!). The hospital looks clean and well equiped (not by british standards) and our accommodation is nice enough too.

I forgot to mention the other day.. we were at the train station applying for our ticket, speaking to a local. We mentioned that we were working in a hospital near Dindigul (8 hours away) and he knew the one instantly, saying his father had been treated there. so it seems like it has a good reputation! he also said he was an engineer for force india and was happy with their finish the other week... pretty cool!

We went on the ward round at 0800 this morning (shock to the system after hardly any sleep), which was surprisingly comforting! The only difference being that we now have a good excuse for not knowing what they're talking about! We saw a man who had some strange skin condition that i have no idea how to pronounce - he was all purple and pink (and brown), which looked extremely odd! Im sure this is just the beginning and there will be a whole host of interesting things still to come!

There are no other white people in the hospital, but all the doctors speak good english, so there are pleanty of people to talk to. There will be some elective students arriving next week from down under and some from germany after that. Im looking forward to having a group of like minded students arround!

We're going back to dindigul tomorrow to try and book our train ticket back to chennai for the flight home. Hopefully 6 weeks in advance should be enough to make sure we have a place and aren't faffing around at the last minute again!

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you out there. Hope it's gonna be a great time for you and that you stay healthy and fit.
